STR911FAW42X6 SMD new and original ic chips STMicroelectronics

STR911FAW42X6 SMD new and original ic chips

Disponibbiltà: 9999 fl-istokk

SKU: STR911FAW42X6 Kategorija:

The STR911FAW42X6 is a 32-bit ARM7-based microcontroller with up to 64 KB flash memory, multiple interfaces including Ethernet, USB, CAN and UART, real-time clock, ADC and DAC converters, multiple timers and PWM channels, and low power consumption modes. It is commonly used in industrial control systems, motor control applications, smart energy meters, building automation systems, medical equipment, home and security systems, automotive applications, and consumer electronics.


Ikkuntattjana < a href="" target="_blank">Ċipep IC We are a chip trader that provides comprehensive chip solutions and high-quality services, including fast quoting, spot supply, sample support, and technical consulting. We have established long-term stable relationships with many well-known chip manufacturers and accumulated rich market experience. Our professional team can provide personalized chip procurement plans for customers and ensure timeliness and reliability. We are committed to becoming a trusted partner of customers, helping them achieve business success.


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