L6920DTR (ikkuntattja l-Aħjar Prezz)integrated circuit IC CHIPS Brand new original Electronic Component STMicroelectronics

L6920DTR integrated circuit IC CHIPS Brand new original Electronic Component STMicroelectronics

Disponibbiltà: 9999 fl-istokk

SKU: L6920DTR Kategorija:

The L6920DTR is a chip designed for power management applications. Some of its key features include:
High efficiency: The chip has a high efficiency rating, which means that it can convert power with minimal loss.
Wide input voltage range: The chip can operate with input voltages ranging from 3V to 40V, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
Current limiting: The chip includes current limiting features that help protect against overloading and short circuits.
Thermal protection: The chip also includes thermal protection features that help prevent the device from overheating.
Adjustable output voltage: The chip allows for adjustable output voltage, which can be set using an external resistor.


Ikkuntattjana < a href="https://ic-zjd.com" target="_blank">Ċipep IC We are a chip trader that provides comprehensive chip solutions and high-quality services, including fast quoting, spot supply, sample support, and technical consulting. We have established long-term stable relationships with many well-known chip manufacturers and accumulated rich market experience. Our professional team can provide personalized chip procurement plans for customers and ensure timeliness and reliability. We are committed to becoming a trusted partner of customers, helping them achieve business success.


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