The TPS259822LNRGET chip is a power distribution switch that provides protection against overcurrent and short circuits. It can handle input voltages up to 5.5V and supports output currents of up to 2A. The chip’s low on-resistance helps reduce voltage drops, while its inrush current limiter feature limits the amount of current during start-up to avoid damage to the system. Additionally, the device has a thermal shutdown function to prevent overheating. The fault flag output signals any overcurrent or over-temperature events, making it a reliable and safe power switch for many applications.
TPS259822LNRGET (ベストプライスにお問い合わせください) spot supply integrated circuit ic chips Texas Instruments
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A2: すべての製品はオリジナルであり、元の工場で生産されています. 当社の部品はあらゆる種類のテストに対応できます.
Q3: あなたの会社の主力製品は何ですか?
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