xc2s50-5tqg144c (kontak Beste Prys) spot supply integrated circuit ic chip one stop XILINX

xc2s50-5tqg144c (kontak Beste Prys) spot supply integrated circuit ic chip one stop XILINX

Beskikbaarheid: 99999 in voorraad

SKU: xc2s50-5tqg144c Kategorie:

The XC2S50-5TQG144C is a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) integrated circuit with 50,000 system gates and 144 pins. It features a 1.8V core voltage, low power consumption, and high-performance capabilities. This chip also has advanced clock management features such as Digital Clock Managers (DCMs) and Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs), which enable precise timing control for complex digital systems. The XC2S50-5TQG144C is designed to be easily programmable and reconfigurable to meet the changing needs of various applications. Additionally, it has built-in self-test features for improved reliability and debug capabilities. This chip also supports a variety of communication protocols like Ethernet and USB.


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V3: Wat is jou maatskappy se hoofprodukte?
A3: Elektroniese komponente soos skyfies, veld-effek transistors, IGBT, induktore, diodes, transistors, draadlose modules, kapasitors, weerstande, koppelaars, skakelaars en voetstukke.
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A4: Ja, ons ondersteun doeltreffende eenstop-BOM-dienste. Jy is welkom om jou BOM vir ons te stuur. As gevolg van die wye verskeidenheid elektroniese komponente, hulle kan nie een vir een opgelaai word nie.
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A5: Die afleweringstyd is gewoonlik 1-3 werksdae na betaling. Egter, dit hang uiteindelik af van die bestelhoeveelheid.
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A6: Hulle word gewoonlik deur UPS gestuur, DHL, Fedex, EBW… (die mees beskikbare versendingsmetode sal vir jou gekies word).
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