NCV8405ASTT1G (kontak Beste Prys) spot supply integrated circuit ic chips ON Semiconductor

NCV8405ASTT1G (kontak Beste Prys) spot supply integrated circuit ic chips ON Semiconductor

Beskikbaarheid: 9999 in voorraad

SKU: NCV8405ASTT1G Kategorie:

NCV8405ASTT1G is a voltage regulator IC designed for automotive applications. It has a low dropout voltage, which enables it to maintain a stable output even when the input voltage drops. This chip also features overvoltage protection and thermal shutdown to protect against any potential damages caused by fluctuating power levels or overheating. With its small size and high efficiency, NCV8405ASTT1G is an ideal choice for various automotive applications, including infotainment systems, cameras, and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS).


NCV8405ASTT1G (kontak Beste Prys) spot supply integrated circuit ic chips ON Semiconductor
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