IMST805-F25S (kontak Beste Prys)integrated circuit IC CHIPS Brand new original Electronic Component STMicroelectronics

IMST805-F25S integrated circuit IC CHIPS Brand new original Electronic Component STMicroelectronics

Beskikbaarheid: 9999 in voorraad

SKU: IMST805-F25S Kategorie:

The IMST805-F25S is a high-performance, low-power wireless module designed for use in various applications. It features an advanced RF transceiver and supports multiple wireless protocols, including Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Zigbee. The device provides a range of up to 500 meters in open-air conditions and includes advanced security features, such as AES-128 encryption, ensuring secure data transmission in demanding environments. Its small form factor and low power consumption make it an excellent choice for battery-powered devices like sensors, wearables, and smart home automation devices. Additionally, the IMST805-F25S provides a range of development tools and software, enabling quick and easy integration into new designs.


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